Why I Want to Represent



The Objective of this aspiration is to amplify the concerns, aspirations and yearnings of the people of Ilaje Constituency 1 at the floor of the House. Understanding that our people have been neglected and have been marginalized at the Centre for too long, there is a need for someone with a clear vision to be in the race, win and finally bring succour and hope to the

I intend to use my emergence at the poll and eventually the office to the MHA to facilitate programs and development to my constituency. My Constituency is 90% on water and bordered by the Atlantic Ocean. The sea is gradually encroaching into our communities and we have lost about 68% of the coastal communities into the Atlantic Ocean. It’s been scientifically proven that
ILAJE Loca Government may be no more in the next 10 years, as a result of global warming, oil exploration and rising sea levels. There is therefore a need to elect someone with foresight, the will and all it takes to attract NGOs and Agencies who will address this challenge.

We are experiencing the worst destruction of aquatic lives and its effects on fish farming, destruction of farm lands as well as death and maternal mortality as a result of lack of good health care.

We are experiencing ignorance as a result of the lack of quality schools. We are embattled with the worst of waterborne diseases as a result of lack of potable water.
We are experiencing poverty as a result of unemployment. A good number of our graduates are at home and unable to get a job neither could they access loans to start businesses.

For so long, we have experienced total blackout in Ilaje Constituency 1. Most of our kids know nothing about Electricity. To say my people have experienced marginalization and rejection is to say the least. In all of this, my constituency is the only Constituency in the entire South West Nigeria where oil exploration is taking place. We are the major reason why Ondo State is known as an Oil Producing State and a member of the Niger Delta Development Commission NDDC.

I have carefully taken my time to research on the problems bedeviling my constituency and I can conveniently say I have the solutions but I must first emerge at the general election. Some people may say, why not give the solution manual to those currently in power to effect the desired change? I have been on the other side of the divide as a Political Activist and I have
pitched all of this in alot of my campaigns and letters to the Government but they jettisoned it. They Actually do not care about the people but their pockets.

This and many other reasons are why i am contesting to be a Member of The Ondo State House of Assembly Representing Ilaje Constituency 1. I am more than certain that my representation will bring a total turnaround to all our communities.



What Have I Done So Far?

  • It was my intervention and that of my group IAF, that saw to the relative peace we enjoy today in Igbokoda over cult clash and killings.

  • Myself and my team initiated an Ilaje anti cultism campaign just about 5 months ago, across 15 schools in Ilaje local government area of Ondo State.

  • When Mrs Menukuro Taiwo shop was burnt by Nigerian Navy in Igbokoda, myself and my organization (IAF) reconstructed a new shop space for her to earn her living and donated cash gift for startup.

  • We engineered the no light no election campaign that saw to the restoration of electricity within igbokoda after 15 years of total blackout, thou vandalized by our people a year later.

  • Myself and my team donated relief materials and hand sanitizers to Ilaje people in the heat of the corona virus Pandemic.

  • When Ayetoro people were displaced about 3 yrs ago, we donated relief materials to them.

  • I co-led the Protest geared towards the Ilaje Osopadec Autonomy at the State Capital, Akure where over 29 members of our organization were arrested and shot at by the police.

  • Co-Led the Bring Back our Light Protest in Ore.

  • Engaged in so many intervention campaigns for the development of ILAJE Nation.

  • Used our organization (IAF) to bring constant media presence to ilaje local government for the sole aim of projecting the ilaje travails to the outside world. This is verifiable on google or YouTube.

  • I recently wrote to the Chairman of Ilaje Local Government over the inhuman treatment that was to be melted on POS Operators within Ilaje Local Govt on the 1,500 naira tax levied on them. They cancelled the Policy at the receipt of my letter.

  • Sponsored 43 Ilaje fresh graduate on Scholarship program to higher institutions.

I have done so much and willing and ready to do much more when elected.