

Law Career

He employs Law as an instrument of societal re-engineering in line with the tenets of Roscoe Pound.

The quest for service and practice of law was encouraged by his easy grasp of routines and outstanding delivery in all the matters he participated in.


Let Me Introduce

My Law Career

Having been deployed by the National Youth Service Corps to Nigerian Immigration Service, Bayelsa State Command Headquarters and have served in both Legal and HRM departments in 2016, I joined Sam Olorungbemi and Co., a law firm in Ajah, Lagos in 2018.

Before then, I had began a course at the Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship and Obtained a Post
Graduate Diploma In Client Relationship Management. This equipped me with the standard managerial skills in handling corporate relationship with my clients as well as provide me an opportunity to protect the interest of my clients.

In 2019, I joined Okloho Ohlehim and Co., an Abuja based Litigation, Corporate Practice and Real Estate Law firm. My resolve to commence a Masters Program in Legislative Drafting at the National Institute of Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS) as approved by the University of Benin was borne out of my interest in Legislative/Parliamentary business. I have always wanted to be a Congressman having Served as a Union Leader in the University and have actively participated
in Student Unionism with so much finesse and grandeur.

The quest for service and practice of law was encouraged by my easy grasp of routines and outstanding delivery in all the matters I participated in. I have always seen law as an embodiment of the moral values, sentiments and dispositions of the people and therefore, I have long resolved to employ it as an instrument of societal re-engineering in line with the tenets of Roscoe Pound.

I therefore count it as a privilege, to earn my living from it while considering Legislative representation as an avenue to amplify the yearnings of the beautiful Ilaje people viz a viz giving Ilaje Nation a Voice. I have long observed that we have been marginalized for years, resulting in being politically ostracized from the Politics of Ondo State and of Nigeria.

As a Lawyer, I have engaged in getting Justice for the marginalized Ilajes and those who have been illegally detained, at no cost. I sit as member of Board of Trustees to Major Organizations in Ondo South Senatorial district as well as a Legal Adviser to many Organizations in Ondo State.

My professional practice provided the platform that earned me the opportunity to blossom in
activism, politics and to join others in liberating my people.

Worthy of note is my involvement in the formation of notable organizations like Ilaje Libration Front (ILF) , Ondo South Advancement, Welfare and Consultative Association(OSAWA), Ilaje Advancement Forum (IAF) , Ondo South Young Elite Forum (OSYEF) to mention but a few.

I am still practicing law and I will do same to the fullest by ensuring that my wealth of experience is put to use. I made room for equity and constitutionality to prevail unhindered in all the matters I handled and in all Professional Positions I have served in. I am a foundational member of Ilaje Lawyers Forum (ILF), a fellow of Standing Conference of Mediation Advocate (SCMA) and a Proud member of the Biggest Bar in Africa, N igerian Bar Association (NBA).


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